Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"WWJE" not original to Nemo

Alas, there is a book out by Dr. Colbert, of similar title, back in 2003. It was a bit controversial in some sectors. Not meant to be a set of dietary rules, by some it was practiced as such. Not our purpose here at Nemo.

Here's a nice blog that may appeal to you. I like this resource very much.

...and here's a book title that looks really interesting for my gardener buddies:
Skyhorse Publishing > Cooking > Foods Jesus Ate and How to Grow Them
by Allen A. Swenson, May, 2008

Basically, authors I searched describe a Mediterranean-style diet that included lots of fish, whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. Also mentioned specifically in relation to Jesus were
broiled fish & honeycomb Luke 24:42
barley bread, John 6:9 or a form of sourdough
wine (grapes)
saffron (rose of Sharon)

Challenge: What's a "Sabbath Walk," and could you do one by Dec. 24th?


Natalie said...

You are some kind of sicko, blogging about healthy eating for people to read on Thanksgiving morning.

Loved the link. I think I will try a nice keugal (sp?) for the kids next week.

I will admit I googled (from the verb "to google") Sabbath Walk and found another interesting article which said:

"A Sabbath walk: For 30 minutes walk slowly and silently – without trying to get anywhere. Let your senses guide your walk. Follow your own timing and curiosity. When you are called to stop, stop and investigate. When you are called to begin again, move on. At the end of 30 minutes, notice what has happened to your body, your mind, your sense of time."

Naturally, having copied the quote, I neglected to copy the link, so cannot give credit to the source. Interesting idea. I will try to do one by the 24th.

There was another very cool idea in the same article about letting things go, one week at a time.

Hard to slow down to just be. Good reminder to try!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Virginia said...

Very nice info. That sounds like a really healthy way to do a Sabbath walk. You're a great blogger, Natalie. And yes, what a sicko I am!! Healthy food indeed. Bah!