Wednesday, September 17, 2008

85% Santo Domingo Dark

I prefer dark chocolate. Perhaps it is an acquired taste, but I came to savor it, the darker the better, quite willingly. When the wonderful sweetness I still appreciate moves to the background, dark chocolate, the darker the better, whispers. Complexity of berries and spice resonnate on the taste buds. Soon, one learns to hold it on the tongue longer and longer, to ponder, to learn and meditate on Santo Domingo. I understand dark chocolate is good for the heart.

Perhaps if life were wrapped like a Hershey's Milk and a Godiva 85% Santo Domingo Dark, I wonder, would I choose wisely?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmm! I too prefer the 85% dark chocolate. I too prefer the richer complexities of the dark over the milk. Dark chocolate deserves to be savored on the tongue. Savored daily and often. It's not only good for the heart but it's soothing to this blogger's mind :-)